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tramvai uses our internal powerful and flexible @tinkoff/logger library for universal logging both on server and client side.

Token LOGGER_TOKEN provides a logger factory with shared across all application basic configuration.


LOGGER_TOKEN it is both a factory and a logger at the same time, but we recommend using it only as a factory, which will return child loggers, because name passed to the factory will be added to the log object in name field. This key is used when you want to show only necessary logs.

Main concepts

Available reporters

You can find all predefined reporters in @tinkoff/logger library documentation



The module is automatically installed and added with the @tramvai/module-common module.


Root logger

LOGGER_INIT_HOOK token is used to configure root logger (LOGGER_TOKEN) when it is created.

For example you want to add custom extension:

import { provide, Scope } from '@tramvai/core';
import { LOGGER_INIT_HOOK } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';

const provider = provide({
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,
useValue: (loggerInstance) => {
extend(logObj: LogObj): LogObj {
return {
customField: 'customValue',

This extension will be applied to all child loggers, created from LOGGER_TOKEN factory.

Child logger

You can find child logger configuration example in @tinkoff/logger library documentation


You can get LOGGER_TOKEN from DI in components, actions and any other providers, for example:

import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';

const action = declareAction({
name: 'myAction',
async fn() {
// create child logger with name 'my-action'
const log = this.deps.logger('my-action');

try {
await doAsyncStuff();

// { name: 'my-action', type: 'info', message: 'Action completed!', level, date }'Action completed!');
} catch (error) {
// { name: 'my-action', type: 'error', event: 'failed', message: 'Action failed!', reason: Error, level, date }{
event: 'failed',
message: 'Action failed!',
reason: error,
deps: {

Display logs


By default, on server all of the logs of level warn and above are enabled.

On the client in dev-mode all the logs of level error and above are enabled while in prod-mode all of the logs on client are disabled.

Complete information about displaying logs can be found in @tinkoff/logger library documentation.

Server logs

On server side logs behavior is controlled by envs LOG_ENABLE and LOG_LEVEL, e.g.:

Change server logs settings in runtime

You can change this settings in runtime using papi-route {app}/private/papi/logger

Displaying of the logs is changed by query with the name enable, e.g.:


Level of the logs is change by query with the name level, e.g.:


To reset settings to default, based on env, use mode=default:


Client logs

On client side logs behavior can be changed by using LOGGER_TOKEN with the following methods - logger.enable() and logger.setLevel()

Change browser logs settings in runtime

LOGGER_TOKEN will be available in global variable - window.logger, so you can run the following code in browser console:


How to

How to see logs from the server in browser

This functionality is available only in dev-mode and can make development a little easier.

In browser console when loading page of the app the special log group with name Tramvai SSR Logs will be showed. If you open this group you will see logs from the server that was logged to this particular request. Herewith will be displayed only logs that are enabled for the displaying on the server.

How to see logs for the HTTP requests


Works only with @tinkoff/request

http-client is already passes logger and its settings to the log plugin.

Plugin automatically generates names for loggers using template request.${name} that might be used to setting up displaying of logs:

const provider = provide({
provide: MY_HTTP_CLIENT,
useFactory: ({ factory, envManager }) => {
return factory({
name: 'my-api-name',
baseUrl: envManager.get('MY_API_URL'),
deps: {

As name of the logger equals to my-api-name to show logs:

  • on server extend env LOG_ENABLE: ''
  • on client call logger.enable('')

How to send logs to the API


It is implied that logs from the server are collected by the external tool that has access to the server console output and because of this logging to the external API from the server is not needed.

For browser logs, you can send them to the API with RemoteReporter.

For example, if we want to send logs with levels error and fatal to url declared in environment variable FRONT_LOG_API:

import { createToken, provide, Scope, APP_INFO_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/core';
import {
} from '@tramvai/tokens-common';
import { RemoteReporter } from '@tinkoff/logger';
import { isUrl } from '@tinkoff/env-validators';

const providers = [
// provide new env variable with logs collector endpoint
provide: ENV_USED_TOKEN,
useValue: [
// use isUrl for validation
{ key: 'FRONT_LOG_API', dehydrate: true, validator: isUrl },
// provide new remote reporter
// we need only one instance of reporter
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,
useFactory: ({ appInfo, envManager, wuid }) => {
const { appName } = appInfo;
const logApi = envManager.get('FRONT_LOG_API');

return new RemoteReporter({
// number of parallel request
requestCount: 1,
// log levels which will be send to api
emitLevels: { error: true, fatal: true },
makeRequest(logObj) {
return sendLog({
// additional information for every reported logs
payload: {
userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent,
href: window.location.href,
deps: {

How to override emit level for remote logs?

When you are using LOGGER_REMOTE_REPORTER, all logs with default remote property always will be passed to remote reporter (meantime any other logs will be filtered by current emit level configured with logger.setLevel or LOG_LEVEL variables):

// remote has priority over RemoteReporter emitLevels
const log1 = logger({ name: 'test', defaults: { remote: true } });

// remote.emitLevels has priority over RemoteReporter emitLevels
const log2 = logger({ name: 'test', defaults: { remote: { emitLevels: { info: true } } } });

// send to API'first');'second');

// not sended to API

How to extend logs by user-specific data?

For example, you want to add User-Agent to all logs for concrete user.

Logger extensions registered in LOGGER_INIT_HOOK provider is not suitable for this case, because registration finishes early, at singletone scope, because of that request-specific providers are not available for this token at server-side.

It is not a problem for client code, but mostly we want to have one consistent way of extending logs.

For that, token LOGGER_SHARED_CONTEXT was created. At server-side, AsyncLocalStorage is used, and a simple Map object at client-side.

import { commandLineListTokens, provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { LOGGER_SHARED_CONTEXT } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';

const provider = provide({
// first stage at server-side, where `asyncLocalStorage` context is available
provide: commandLineListTokens.customerStart,
useFactory: ({ loggerSharedContext, requestManager }) => {
return function updateLoggerContext() {
// depend of environment read UserAgent from request object or window.navigator
const userAgent = typeof window === 'undefined'
? requestManager.getHeader('user-agent')
: window.navigator.userAgent;

// `userAgent` property will be added to all logs, sended after `customerStart` stage
loggerSharedContext.set('userAgent', userAgent);
deps: {
loggerSharedContext: LOGGER_SHARED_CONTEXT,

How to properly format logs?

See @tinkoff/logger library documentation