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Wildcard Routes

Wildcard routes (aka catch-all, splats routes) - this is a routes with dynamic segment which used if no exact matches were found for the current page.


The path property of this route must end in an asterisk - *, in example below the route will match any path, for which no other routes were found:

import { SpaRouterModule } from '@tramvai/modules-router';

modules: [
name: 'route-name',
path: '*',
config: {
pageComponent: '@/pages/page-name',

Not Found Page

Common use-case for wildcard routes - display Not Found (or 404) page.

By default, if user will open non-existed application page, tramvai will send NotFoundError with 404 HTTP status code and empty body to the client. But if appropriate wildcard route is configured, tramvai will render this route with 200 HTTP status code.

So, if you want to create custom 404 page, you should configure wildcard route with httpStatus option:

import { SpaRouterModule } from '@tramvai/modules-router';

modules: [
name: 'not-found',
path: '*',
config: {
pageComponent: '@/pages/not-found',
httpStatus: 404,

How to render 404 page programmatically

Wildcard routes have one important limitation - for now it is not possible to render this 404 page programmatically, for example, in Action or Router Guard. If you need to render custom 404 page in this cases, you can use Error Boundaries.

For example, you have some product page - routes/products/[id]/index.tsx, and API endpoint for this page returns 404 status code, if product with given id not found. In this case, you can create custom 404 page and render it in page error boundary - routes/products/[id]/_error.tsx:

⌛ Create error boundary component, where 404 and any unexpected error will be handled:

import { isNotFoundError } from '@tinkoff/errors';
import type { ErrorBoundaryComponent } from '@tramvai/react';

const ProductErrorBoundary: ErrorBoundaryComponent = ({ url, error }) => {
// handle custom NotFoundError
if (isNotFoundError(error)) {
return <ProductNotFoundPage url={url} error={error} />;
// handle unexpected errors
return <ProductErrorPage url={url} error={error} />;

export default ProductErrorBoundary;

⌛ Force error boundary render in page Action:


setPageErrorEvent - experimental API, and can be changed in future releases.


Not working in Child Apps!

import { NotFoundError } from '@tinkoff/errors';
import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';
import type { PageComponent } from '@tramvai/react';
import { PAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN, setPageErrorEvent } from '@tramvai/module-router';

const fetchProductAction = declareAction({
name: 'fetchProductAction',
async fn() {
const { id } = this.deps.pageService.getCurrentRoute().params;

try {
await fetchProduct(id);
} catch (e) {
// this error provide 404 status by default
const error = new NotFoundError();
deps: {

const ProductPage: PageComponent = () => <h1>Product Page</h1>;

ProductPage.actions = [fetchProductAction];

export default ProductPage;

Nested Wildcard Routes

You can have multiple wildcard routes for different subpaths:

import { SpaRouterModule } from '@tramvai/modules-router';

modules: [
name: 'comments-not-found',
path: '/comments/*',
config: {
pageComponent: '@/pages/comments-not-found',

File system Wildcard Routes

You can register a wildcard route using the file system. To do so you must create a file called [...path].tsx in the desirable directory. Note, that nested paths are also supported. For example if you need wildcard for path /profile/*, then create following folder structure:


There is can be any name in the pattern, not only ...path

└── routes
└── profile
└── index.tsx
└── [...path].tsx