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Tiny cookies library for the browser

Fork of browser-cookies


  • Clean and easy to use API
  • Small footprint
  • No dependencies
  • RFC6265 compliant
  • Cross browser support


Using npm

npm install @tinkoff/browser-cookies

Using yarn

npm install @tinkoff/browser-cookies


import { Cookies } from '@tinkoff/browser-cookies';

const cookies = new Cookies({ sameSite: 'lax' });

cookies.set('firstName', 'Lisa');
cookies.set('firstName', 'Lisa', { expires: 365 }); // Expires after 1 year
cookies.set('firstName', 'Lisa', { secure: true, domain: '' });

cookies.get('firstName'); // Returns cookie value (or null)

cookies.erase('firstName'); // Removes cookie


Cookies API:

Cookies.set(name, value [, options])

Method to save a cookie.
namestringThe name of the cookie to save.
valuestringThe value to save, [percent encoding][ref-percent-encoding] will automatically be applied. Note that only strings are allowed as value, the examples section shows how to save JSON data.
optionsobjectMay contain any of the properties specified in options below. If an option is not specified, the value configured in Cookies.constructor will be used.


Method that returns a cookie value, or **null** if the cookie is not found. [Percent encoded][ref-percent-encoding] values will automatically be decoded.
namestringThe name of the cookie to retrieve.

Cookies.erase(name [, options ])

Method to remove a cookie.
namestringThe name of the cookie to remove.
optionsobjectMay contain the domain and path properties specified in options below. If an option is not specified, the value configured in Cookies.constructor will be used.


Method to get all cookies. Returns an object containing all cookie values with the cookie names used as keys. Percent encoded names and values will automatically be decoded.


`defaults` argument may be used to change the default value of each option specified in [options](#options) below.


The options shown in the table below may be set to instance of Cookies.constructor or passed as function argument to Cookies.set() and Cookies.erase(). Also check out the Examples further below.

expiresNumber, Date, String0Configure when the cookie expires by using one of the following types as value:
  • A Number of seconds until the cookie expires. If set to 0 the cookie will expire at the end of the session.
  • A Date object such as new Date(2018, 3, 27).
  • A String in a format recognized by [Date.parse()][ref-date-parse].
domainString""The [domain][ref-cookie-domain] from where the cookie is readable.
  • If set to "" the current domain will be used.
pathString"/"The path from where the cookie is readable.
  • The default value of "/" allows the cookie to be readable from all paths.
  • If set to "" the cookie will only be readable from the current browser path.
  • Note that cookies don't support relative paths such as "../../some/path" so paths must be absolute like "/some/path".
secureBooleanfalseIf true the cookie will only be transmitted over secure protocols like https.
httponlyBooleanfalseIf true the cookie may only be read by the web server.
  • This option may be set to [prevent malicious scripts from accessing cookies][ref-httponly], not all browsers support this feature yet.
samesiteString""The samesite argument may be used to [prevent cookies from being sent along with cross-site requests][ref-samesite].
  • If set to "" the SameSite feature will not be used.
  • If set to "Strict" the cookie will only be sent along with "same-site" requests.
  • If set to "Lax" the cookie will be sent with "same-site" requests and with "cross-site" top-level navigations.
This is an experimental feature as only [a few browsers support SameSite][ref-samesite-caniuse] and [the standard][ref-samesite-spec] has not been finalized yet. Don't use this feature in production environments.


Count the number of a visits to a page:

import { Cookies } from '@tinkoff/browser-cookies';

const cookies = new Cookies();

// Get cookie value
const visits = cookies.get('count') || 0;
console.log("You've been here " + parseInt(visits) + " times before!");

// Increment the counter and set (or update) the cookie
cookies.set('count', parseInt(visits) + 1, {expires: 365});

JSON may be saved by converting the JSON object into a string:

import { Cookies } from '@tinkoff/browser-cookies';

const cookies = new Cookies();

// Store JSON data
const user = { firstName: 'Sofia', lastName: 'Dueñas' };
cookies.set('user', JSON.stringify(user))

// Retrieve JSON data
const userString = cookies.get('user');
alert('Hi ' + JSON.parse(userString).firstName);

The default cookie options may be changed:

import { Cookies } from '@tinkoff/browser-cookies';

// Apply defaults
const cookies = new Cookies({
secure: true,
expires: 7,

// 'secure' option enabled and cookie expires in 7 days
cookies.set('FirstName', 'John')

// 'secure' option enabled and cookie expires in 30 days
cookies.set('LastName', 'Smith', { expires: 30 })

The cookies.all method can be used for more advanced functionality, for example to erase all cookies except one:

import { Cookies } from '@tinkoff/browser-cookies';

const cookies = new Cookies();

const cookieToKeep = 'FirstName'; // Name of the cookie to keep

// Get all cookies as an object
const allCookies = cookies.all();

// Iterate over all cookie names
for (let cookieName in allCookies) {
// Erase the cookie (except if it's the cookie that needs to be kept)
if (allCookies.hasOwnProperty(cookieName) && cookieName != cookieToKeep) {