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Interface implementation HttpClient from @tramvai/http-client based on the library @tinkoff/request



createAdapter - factory to create an HTTP client. It configures an instance of @tinkoff/request via createTinkoffRequest, and based on it creates an instance of HttpClientAdapter

type createAdapter = (options: TinkoffRequestOptions) => HttpClient;


interface TinkoffRequestOptions extends HttpClientRequest {
// tramvai logger
logger?: typeof LOGGER_TOKEN;
// namespace for the logger, the prefix `request.` will be added to it
name?: string;
// will disable the default caching via `@tinkoff/request-plugin-cache-memory`
disableCache?: boolean;
// cache factory for `@tinkoff/request-plugin-cache-memory`
createCache?: (options: any) => any;
// cache ttl for `@tinkoff/request-plugin-cache-memory`
cacheTime?: number;
// the default request execution time limit, in ms
defaultTimeout?: number;
// response validator for `@tinkoff/request-plugin-validate`
validator?: RequestValidator;
// error validator for `@tinkoff/request-plugin-validate`
errorValidator?: RequestValidator;
// method allows you to modify the error object before sending logs from `@tinkoff/request-plugin-log`
errorModificator?: RequestValidator;
// options for caching based on etag http-header, executes only on server!
etagCacheOptions?: {
enabled: boolean;
lruOptions?: { ttl: number; max: number };


createTinkoffRequest - creates an instance of @tinkoff/request with all the necessary plugins

type createTinkoffRequest = (options: TinkoffRequestOptions) => MakeRequest;


HttpClientAdapter - adapts @tinkoff/request to the interface HttpClient.

The request method wraps the request parameters in the modifyRequest option, and passes them to @tinkoff/request. Then, the received response is modified in the HttpClientRequest, and wrapped in the modifyResponse option. If there is an error, it will wrapped into the modifyError option.

The fork method creates a new instance of HttpClientAdapter, but with the same @tinkoff/request instance.

type HttpClientAdapter = HttpClient;


By default, mergeOptions compose modifyRequest, modifyResponse and modifyError options, with the corresponding options from options being executed first, then from nextOptions. If you pass a third parameter { replace: true }, all parameters of the same name from options will simply be overwritten by parameters from nextOptions

type mergeOptions = (
options: HttpClientRequest,
nextOptions: HttpClientRequest,
config?: { replace?: boolean }
) => HttpClientRequest;