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Tramvai tokens used for integration and extending @tramvai/module-http-client


import { createToken } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
import type { BaseHttpClient, HttpClient, HttpClientInterceptor } from '@tramvai/http-client';
import type { TinkoffRequestOptions, Agent } from '@tramvai/tinkoff-request-http-client-adapter';

export type HttpClientFactoryOptions = TinkoffRequestOptions & { name: string };

* @description
* Factory of HTTP clients with minimal base settings
export const HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY =
createToken<(options: HttpClientFactoryOptions) => HttpClient>('HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY');

* @description
* Default options for factory of HTTP clients
export const DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY_OPTIONS = createToken<Partial<HttpClientFactoryOptions>>(

* @description
* Interceptors will be added to default options for factory of HTTP clients
export const DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_INTERCEPTORS = createToken<HttpClientInterceptor>(
{ multi: true }

* @description
* Universal HTTP client for arbitrary requests
export const HTTP_CLIENT = createToken<HttpClient>('HTTP_CLIENT');

* @description
* Global HTTP and HTTPS agents for all clients
export const HTTP_CLIENT_AGENT = createToken<{
http: Agent;
https: Agent;

* @description
* List of HTTP headers that are proxied from app request to all of the backend API
export const API_CLIENT_PASS_HEADERS = createToken<string | string[]>('apiClientPassHeaders', {
multi: true,

* @description
* Internal api for app server.
* Uses the value of `APP_INFO_TOKEN` from di for constructing the request address
export const PAPI_SERVICE = createToken<BaseHttpClient>('papi service');

* @description
* Enable or disable circuit breaker
export const DISABLE_CIRCUIT_BREAKER = createToken<boolean>('disable circuit breaker');