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Streaming Rendering

React Streaming Rendering is partially supported by tramvai framework.

Streaming can significantly improve TTFB metric, but have some disadvantages:

  • Require completely different framework architecture
  • Performance overhead for Streams (10-20% slower rendering time)
  • After first byte is sended, impossible to make server redirect or change response headers

For better new React 18 Suspense SSR features support, you can switch from renderToString to renderToPipeableStream API, with token REACT_SERVER_RENDER_MODE.

With renderToPipeableStream tramvai still waiting commandLineRunner and page Actions before send HTML to client, the main difference is Suspense support: first chunk of HTML will contain application shell (usual rendering result with fallbacks for suspended components), and next chunks will have code to resolve suspended components.

Deferred Actions is based on this feature.



Experimental feature

Enable renderToPipeableStream

import { REACT_SERVER_RENDER_MODE } from '@tramvai/tokens-render';

const provider = provide({
useValue: 'streaming',

Response stream timeout

Default timeout for renderToPipeableStream response is 5000 milliseconds. Deferred Actions which are not resolved in this time will be rejected with AbortedDeferredError error.

If you want to provide custom timeout value, you can provide REACT_STREAMING_RENDER_TIMEOUT token:

import { REACT_STREAMING_RENDER_TIMEOUT } from '@tramvai/tokens-render';

const provider = provide({
useValue: 10000,


Proxy buffering

To enable HTML streaming, you must disable response buffering on the reverse proxy. Nginx for example, with default configuration, will buffer response body (or part of it) in memory, and first byte time will be increased - it is opposite what HTML streaming is supposed to do.

You can disable buffering at application level by setting X-Accel-Buffering header:

import { commandLineListTokens, provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { RESPONSE_MANAGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';

const provider = provide({
provide: commandLineListTokens.generatePage,
useFactory: () => {
return function addXAccelBufferingHeader() {
responseManager.setHeader('X-Accel-Buffering', 'no');
deps: {

For Nginx configuration, disable proxy_buffering:

proxy_buffering off;

Proxy response timeout

If you use Deferred Actions, probably you have a slow API calls. With increased streaming timeout, complete response time can exceed the reverse proxy timeout. This will lead to ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING errors, broken HTML and possible hydration errors.

To prevent this, for Nginx you can increase proxy_read_timeout:

proxy_read_timeout 30s;

REACT_STREAMING_RENDER_TIMEOUT always needs to be lower than proxy timeout.