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How to split a component into an asynchronous chunk?

tramvai supports splitting components into asynchronous chunks with rendering on the server and hydration on the client, using @tramvai/react

Component example

Let's say we have a heavy React component that we use occasionally and we want to load it only when needed. Right now we have the following code:

// file heavy.tsx
export const Heavy = () => <div>123</div>;
// file page.tsx
import Heavy from './heavy.tsx';

const Page = () => (
<Heavy />
<Footer />

Connecting the lazy

There are several ways to split the component into asynchronous chunks

  • Add new wrapper for heavy into page.tsx.
  • Put heavy code into a separate file and leave only async wrapper in heavy.tsx.

We'll create a new file, as this allows us not to change imports in files that have already used the Heavy component. And it will be harder to forget to reuse the async component in the future:

// file heavy-component.tsx
export const Heavy = () => <div>123</div>;
// file heavy.tsx
import { lazy } from '@tramvai/react';

export const Heavy = lazy(() => import('./heavy-component'));
// file page.tsx
import Heavy from './heavy.tsx';

const Page = () => (
<Heavy />
<Footer />

We created a new file, put all the code of the Heavy component there, and left only the component itself in the old file, which we wrapped in lazy and imported the original component with import. Now instead of the original Heavy component we will have an asynchronous version which we will load only when rendering the Page component.


The Heavy component will be loaded by demand

Next, the component will be:

  • Automatically put in a separate webpack chunk
  • When rendering, SSR will automatically download the file and immediately render it on the server
  • JS and CSS of the chunk will be inserted into the HTML with maximum priority
  • It will work seamlessly in the browser

Example of work in a test application