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Tramvai tokens for integration and extending render module.

Список токенов

import type { ReactElement, ComponentType } from 'react';
import { Scope, createToken } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
import { StorageRecord } from '@tinkoff/htmlpagebuilder';
import type { UniversalErrorBoundaryFallbackProps } from '@tramvai/react';
import * as ResourceSlot from './slots';

* @description
* Token adding resources to specific render slots.
* Used only on server and it is equivalent to usage of RESOURCES_REGISTRY.
* [Usage example](
export const RENDER_SLOTS = createToken<PageResource | PageResource[]>('RENDER_SLOTS', {
multi: true,

* @description
* Token for defining additional attributes for html, body and app container. Keep in mind that:
* - only raw html attributes are allowed (not react or anything else, e.g. do not use className use class)
* - new attributes overrides old one
* - only text values are supported
* @example
provide: HTML_ATTRS,
useValue: {
target: 'body',
attrs: {
class: 'custom-class',
multi: true,
export const HTML_ATTRS = createToken<HtmlAttrs>('HTML_ATTRS', { multi: true });

* @description
* Add node-style callback on render event in browser.
* Passes error instance as first argument if there was an error
export const RENDERER_CALLBACK = createToken<(e?: Error) => void>('RENDERER_CALLBACK', {
multi: true,

* @deprecated you can lost some of tramvai features, for example [streaming render support](
* @description
* Used as async function which overrides app render. This function may define render parameters or override render result.
export const CUSTOM_RENDER =
createToken<(content: JSX.Element) => Promise<string>>('CUSTOM_RENDER');

* @description
* Resources registry is used only on server for registering any additional assets for browser (scripts, styles, html) which should be added to response html page
export const RESOURCES_REGISTRY = createToken<ResourcesRegistry>('resourcesRegistry');

* @description
* A string used for check of need to loading polyfills in the client browser.
* Polyfills are always loading for browsers without module support and if browser do support modules
* this check will called in order to find out the need of loading polyfills
* (by default checks for Promise.prototype.finally and implementations for URL and URLSearchParams)
* [Polyfill documentation](
export const POLYFILL_CONDITION = createToken<string>('POLYFILL_CONDITION');

* @deprecated tramvai will automatically detect React version, and use hydrateRoot API for 18+ version
* For Strict Mode, use token `USE_REACT_STRICT_MODE`
export const RENDER_MODE = createToken<RenderMode>('RENDER_MODE');

* @description add Strict Mode wrapper, more info available in documentation
export const USE_REACT_STRICT_MODE = createToken<boolean>('useReactStrictMode');

* @description
* A wrapper for app render.
* Through that token is possible to specify for example React.Context.Provider for the app
export const EXTEND_RENDER = createToken<(current: ReactElement) => ReactElement>('EXTEND_RENDER', {
multi: true,

* @description
* Token for default layout for all pages - root layout
export const DEFAULT_LAYOUT_COMPONENT = createToken('defaultLayoutComponent', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Token for default header for page
export const DEFAULT_HEADER_COMPONENT = createToken('defaultHeaderComponent', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Token for default footer for page
export const DEFAULT_FOOTER_COMPONENT = createToken('defaultFooterComponent', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Token for default Error Boundary for page
export const DEFAULT_ERROR_BOUNDARY_COMPONENT = createToken<

* @description
* Token for passing parameters for page layout
export const LAYOUT_OPTIONS = createToken<LayoutOptions | LayoutOptions[]>('layoutOptions', {
multi: true,
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

type ReactComponent = ComponentType<any>;

type Wrapper = (WrappedComponent: ReactComponent) => ReactComponent;

export interface LayoutOptions {
components?: Record<string, ReactComponent>;
wrappers?: Record<string, Wrapper | Wrapper[]>;

export interface PageResource {
type: keyof typeof StorageRecord;
slot: typeof ResourceSlot[keyof typeof ResourceSlot];
payload: string | null;
attrs?: Record<string, string | null>;

export interface ResourcesRegistry {
register(resource: PageResource | PageResource[]): void;
getPageResources(): PageResource[];
prefetchInlinePageResources(): Promise<any>;

export type HtmlAttrs = {
target: 'html' | 'body' | 'app';
attrs: { [name: string]: string | boolean | Record<string, any> | number };

* @deprecated
export type RenderMode = 'legacy' | 'strict' | 'blocking' | 'concurrent';

type ResourceInlineOptions = {
threshold: number;
types: (keyof typeof StorageRecord)[];
cacheSize?: {
* @description
* Cache size for fetched resources
files: number;
* @description
* Cache size for fetched resource sizes
size: number;
* @description
* Cache size for disabled urls of unavailable resources
disabledUrl: number;

* @description
* Settings for HTML resources inlining
* * threshold Maximum value (in bytes) of the file which are getting inlined in HTML page
* * types Types of resources which should be inlined
export const RESOURCE_INLINE_OPTIONS = createToken<ResourceInlineOptions>(
{ scope: Scope.SINGLETON }

* @description
* Experimental switcher from ssr to client-side rendering mode
export const TRAMVAI_RENDER_MODE = createToken<TramvaiRenderMode | (() => TramvaiRenderMode)>(

export type TramvaiRenderMode = 'ssr' | 'client' | 'static';

export { ResourceSlot };
export { StorageRecord as ResourceType };

export const RENDER_FLOW_AFTER_TOKEN = createToken<() => Promise<void>>('render flow after', {
multi: true,

export const MODERN_SATISFIES_TOKEN = createToken<boolean>('modernSatisfies');

export const BACK_FORWARD_CACHE_ENABLED = createToken<boolean>('back forward cache');

export type ReactServerRenderMode = 'sync' | 'streaming';

// @todo ReactServerRenderMode or () => ReactServerRenderMode
export const REACT_SERVER_RENDER_MODE = createToken<ReactServerRenderMode>('reactServerRenderMode');

export const REACT_STREAMING_RENDER_TIMEOUT = createToken<number>('react streaming render timeout');

export interface WebpackStats {
assetsByChunkName: Record<string, string[]>;
namedChunkGroups?: Record<string, { name: string; chunks: string[]; assets: string[] }>;
entrypoints: Record<string, { name: string; chunks: string[]; assets: string[] }>;
publicPath: string;
[key: string]: any;

type FetchWebpackStatsFn = (payload?: { modern?: boolean }) => Promise<WebpackStats>;

export const FETCH_WEBPACK_STATS_TOKEN = createToken<FetchWebpackStatsFn>('fetchWebpackStatsFn');

Render slots

export const HEAD_META = 'head:meta' as const;
export const HEAD_PERFORMANCE = 'head:performance' as const;
export const HEAD_CORE_STYLES = 'head:core-styles' as const;
export const HEAD_POLYFILLS = 'head:polyfills' as const;
export const HEAD_CORE_SCRIPTS = 'head:core-scripts' as const;
export const HEAD_DYNAMIC_SCRIPTS = 'head:dynamic-scripts' as const;
export const HEAD_ANALYTICS = 'head:analytics' as const;
export const HEAD_ICONS = 'head:icons' as const;
export const BODY_START = 'body:start' as const;
export const REACT_RENDER = 'react:render' as const;
export const BODY_END = 'body:end' as const;
export const BODY_TAIL_ANALYTICS = 'body:tail:analytics' as const;
export const BODY_TAIL = 'body:tail' as const;