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Tramvai tokens for integration and extending server module.


import type { Server } from 'http';
import { Scope, createToken } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
import type { Papi } from '@tramvai/papi';
import type { AnyError } from '@tramvai/safe-strings';

declare module '@tramvai/papi' {
export interface Options {
schema?: {
body?: unknown;
query?: unknown;
params?: unknown;
headers?: unknown;
response?: unknown;

* @description
* Specifies base url for public papi handlers. By default equals to `/[appName]/papi`
export const SERVER_MODULE_PAPI_PUBLIC_URL = createToken<string>('serverModulePapiPublicUrl', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Specifies base url for private papi handlers. By default equals `/[appName]/private/papi`
export const SERVER_MODULE_PAPI_PRIVATE_URL = createToken<string>('serverModulePapiPrivateUrl', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Add private papi route
export const SERVER_MODULE_PAPI_PRIVATE_ROUTE = createToken<Papi>('serverModulePapiPrivateRoute', {
multi: true,
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Add public papi route
export const SERVER_MODULE_PAPI_PUBLIC_ROUTE = createToken<Papi>('serverModulePapiPublicRoute', {
multi: true,
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Settings for the static server
export const SERVER_MODULE_STATICS_OPTIONS = createToken<ServerModuleStaticsOptions>(

* @description
* Instance of nodejs `http.Server`.
* Can be used for adding custom logic on server, like error handling, connection settings
* @example
provide: commandLineListTokens.init,
multi: true,
useFactory: ({ server }) => {
return function serverListen() {
createTerminus(server, {});
deps: {
export const SERVER_TOKEN = createToken<Server>('server');

* @description
* Add resources for request proxying to the app through `http-proxy-middleware`
export const PROXY_CONFIG_TOKEN = createToken<ProxyConfig>('proxyConfigToken', {
multi: true,
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Override filter function when accessing papi route `/dependenciesVersion`
export const DEPENDENCIES_VERSION_FILTER_TOKEN = createToken<DepsFilter>(

* @description
* List of the utility URLs on server (e.g. healthz and readyz)
* Url matching is happens with a library `path-to-regexp`.
export const UTILITY_SERVER_PATHS = createToken<string>('server utility paths', {
multi: true,
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Defines port to listen for utility routes
export const UTILITY_SERVER_PORT_TOKEN = createToken<number>('server utility server port', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Custom path for liveness probe
export const LIVENESS_PATH_TOKEN = createToken<string>('liveness path', { scope: Scope.SINGLETON });

* @description
* Custom path for readiness probe
export const READINESS_PATH_TOKEN = createToken<string>('readiness path', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Custom function for k8s readiness, you might want to wait for something before allowing traffic to your app\
export const READINESS_PROBE_TOKEN = createToken<() => Promise<any>>('readiness-probe-fn', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,
* @description
* Custom function for k8s liveness, a function accepting a state and returning a promise indicating service health\
export const LIVENESS_PROBE_TOKEN = createToken<() => Promise<any>>('liveness-probe-fn', {
scope: Scope.SINGLETON,

* @description
* Enable Early Hints. By default return `true` when `EARLY_HINTS_ENABLED` env variable has a `"true"` value
export const EARLY_HINTS_ENABLED_TOKEN = createToken<() => boolean>('early hints enabled');

* @description
* Provide custom error for root error boundary in case of static generation
export const STATIC_ROOT_ERROR_BOUNDARY_ERROR_TOKEN = createToken<AnyError>(
'root error boundary static error'

export interface ServerModuleStaticsOptions {
path: string;

export type ProxyConfig =
| {
[key: string]:
| string
| {
target: string;
[key: string]: any;
| {
context: string | string[];
target: string;
[key: string]: any;

export type DepsFilter = (
deps: Record<string, string>
) => Record<string, string> | Promise<Record<string, string>>;