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Tool for checking correctness dependency description.

Tool is configured through .depscheckrc file and cli options.

Under the hood depcheck is used.

Config parameters for .depscheckrc.yml and cli

All of the available parameters for the depscheck can be seen in docs.

--collector Module for collecting packages for depshcheck.
Should implement interface
@tinkoff-monorepo/pkgs-collector ->
CollectorInterface (currently
@tinkoff-monorepo/pkgs-collector-pvm is used)
[required] [default: {"name":"@tinkoff-monorepo/pkgs-collector-workspaces"}]
[string] [choices: "about-to-update", "update", "changed",
"changed-since-release", "affected", "released", "updated", "all"] [default:

--depcheck-ignore-matches List of module patterns that should not
generate error in case they are missing in
package.json [array] [default: []]
--depcheck-ignore-dirs List of directory names that depscheck should
not check [array] [default: []]
--depcheck-skip-missing Disable check for missing dependencies
[boolean] [default: false]
--depcheck-ignore-bin-package Disable checks in bin files for project
[boolean] [default: false]

--version Show version number [boolean]
--config Path to the config (by default cosmiconfig is
used) [string]
--fix Enables fix error mode. Currently only fixes
unused dependency errors[boolean] [default: false]
--ignore-patterns List of file patterns that should be ignored for
checks on missing deps [array] [default: []]
--ignore-peer-dependencies List of module patterns from peerDependencies that
should not generate error when dependency is
missing [array] [default: []]
--ignore-unused List of module patterns that should not generate
error when dependency is not used
[array] [default: []]
-h Show help [boolean]

Config example

['**/*.spec.{ts,tsx}', '**/*.test.{ts,tsx}', '**/dynamic-components/*/shared/externals.{js,ts}']
depcheck-ignore-dirs: ['__integration__', 'examples', '__tests__']
depcheck-ignore-matches: ['@platform/cli', '@tramvai/tools-migrate']