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Storybook addon for tramvai apps


You need to install @tramvai/storybook-addon:

npm install @tramvai/storybook-addon

And connect addon in the storybook configuration file:

module.exports = {
addons: ["@tramvai/storybook-addon"]


  • Providers for DI container
  • Providers for router
  • Providers for react-query
  • Page actions support
  • tramvai babel configuration
  • tramvai postcss configuration

How to

Access to DI container

import { LOGGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';

export const Page = () => {
const logger = useDi(LOGGER_TOKEN);'render');

return (

Router hooks and components

import { Link, useUrl } from '@tramvai/module-router';

export const Page = () => {
const url = useUrl();

return (
<h1>Page at {url.pathname}</h1>
<Link url="/third/">to third page</Link>

React Query

import { createQuery, useQuery } from '@tramvai/react-query';

const query = createQuery({
key: 'base',
fn: async () => {
return { foo: 'bar' };

export const Page = () => {
const { data, isLoading } = useQuery(query);

return (
{isLoading ? 'Loading...' :}

Page actions running

import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';

const serverAction = declareAction({
name: 'server-action',
fn() {
console.log('server action');
conditions: {
onlyServer: true,

const browserAction = declareAction({
name: 'browser-action',
fn() {
console.log('browser action');
conditions: {
onlyBrowser: true,

export const Page = () => {
return (

Page.actions = [serverAction, browserAction];

Http clients with real requests

import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';

const httpRequestAction = declareAction({
name: 'http-request-action',
async fn() {
return this.deps.httpClient.get('/');
deps: {
httpClient: HTTP_CLIENT,

export const Page = () => {
return (

Page.actions = [httpRequestAction];

How to provide environment variables?

This addon provides a few important defaults:

  • Mock provider for ENV_MANAGER_TOKEN
  • Read env.development.js content from application root

So, any variables from env.development.js will be registered in envManager.

If you want to add custom variables for some stories, pass options for CommonTestModule (from @tramvai/test-mocks package) in story parameters:

const parameters: TramvaiStoriesParameters = {
tramvai: {
options: {
env: {


"Rendered more hooks than during the previous render."

In case of using both fastRefresh and strictMode in reactOptions in Storybook config in main.js, you might see the error message above.

This is a known issue in Storybook itself, as a temporary workaround you can simply disable the strictMode in Storybook config.

Won't work:

module.exports = {
reactOptions: {
fastRefresh: true,
strictMode: true,


module.exports = {
reactOptions: {
fastRefresh: true,


For testing changes in this plugin locally, you need a few steps:

  1. [tramvai repo] Copy examples-standalone/storybook application to different folder, e.g. storybook-app
  2. [storybook-app] run git init in this folder (@storybook/builder-webpack5 uses as root the first parent directory containing .git folder)
  3. [storybook-app] Update there all tramvai dependencies in package.json
  4. [tramvai repo] Copy plugin build output from packages/tramvai/storybook-addon/lib
  5. [storybook-app] Paste into the storybook-app/node_modules/@tramvai/storybook-addon/lib folder
  6. [storybook-app] Run storybook in nested folder cd storybook && npm run storybook