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Links and Navigation

Link - main component for tramvai router navigations inside React components.

By default, Link will render <a> as a children. You can change this by passing a React component as a children - passed component should accept props href, onClick that should be used in order to make the navigation.


import { Link } from '@tramvai/module-router';
import CustomLink from '@any-ui-kit/link';

export const WrappedCustomLink = () => {
return (
<Link url="/test/">
<CustomLink />

export const DefaultLink = () => {
return <Link url="/test/">Click me</Link>;

Consider to use View Transitions API to animate your navigations

Page resources prefetch

Link component will try to prefetch resources for passed url, if this url is handled by the application router.

It will help to make subsequent page-loads faster because target page assets already be saved in browser cache.


Your passed component need to be wrapped in the forwardRef for routes assets prefetching

How it works:

  • Component determines when it is in the viewport (using Intersection Observer)
  • waits until the browser is idle (using requestIdleCallback)
  • checks if the user isn't on a slow connection (using navigator.connection.effectiveType) or has data-saver enabled (using navigator.connection.saveData)
  • triggers page resources (js, css) prefetching

Main reference for this feature - quicklink library.

If you want to disable this behaviour, pass prefetch={false} property.

export const WrapLink = () => {
return (
<Link url="/test/" prefetch={false}>
Click me

useNavigate() Hook

useNavigate hook - another way to make navigation from React component.

By default, useNavigate returns a function, which can be called with any url (string or NavigateOptions object):

import { useNavigate } from '@tramvai/module-router';

export const Page = () => {
const navigate = useNavigate();

return (
<button type="button" onClick={() => navigate('/test/')}>
Navigate to /test/

Also, you can create a navigation callback with predefined parameters:

import { useNavigate } from '@tramvai/module-router';

export const Page = () => {
const navigateToTest = useNavigate({ url: '/test/', query: { a: '1', b: '2' } });

return (
<button type="button" onClick={navigateToTest}>
Navigate to /test/

PageService Service

PageService - is a wrapper for working with tramvai router. Serves to hide routing internals and is the preferred way of working with router. Available via PAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN token.

This service is intended for use in DI providers and actions.

navigate(url) method make a navigation to a new page and accept target url as argument (string or NavigateOptions object):

import { provide, commandLineListTokens } from '@tramvai/core';
import { PAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/module-router';

const provider = provide({
provide: commandLineListTokens.resolvePageDeps,
useFactory: ({ pageService }) => {
return function redirect() {
if (pageService.getCurrentUrl().pathname === '/test/') {
return pageService.navigate({ url: '/redirect/', replace: true });
deps: {

Route Update

updateCurrentRoute(options) method updates the current route without page reload with new parameters (BaseNavigateOptions object), for example you can change query parameters:

import { provide, declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';
import { PAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/module-router';

const action = declareAction({
name: 'action',
fn() {
const { pageService } = this.deps;

if (pageService.getCurrentUrl().pathname === '/test/') {
return pageService.updateCurrentRoute({ query: { a: '1', b: '2' } });
deps: {

History Back

type HistoryOptions = {
historyFallback: string;
replace?: boolean;

back(options?: HistoryOptions) method will go back through history

  • historyFallback - optional url for navigation. It is navigated to passed url only if browser history is empty.
  • replace - whether the passed historyFallback url will be replaced in the browser history or added to the history.

History Forward

forward() method will go forward through history

History Go

go(to) method will go to the specified delta by history

Extract previous route url

To extract information about the previous route, you can use window.history.state.navigateState. This object will always have information about the previous URL and the previous route's navigation state.

interface PreviousNavigateState {
previousRoute?: Route;
previousUrl?: Url;

Object that allows to specify transition options both to navigate and updateCurrentRoute transitions:

  • code - redirect code that is returned on server in case of redirects
  • navigateState - any additional data that is stored with route