Redirects can be done via guards or explicitly via the redirect
property in the route.
Define redirect manually
Use when redirect is completely static
import { SpaRouterModule } from '@tramvai/modules-router';
modules: [
name: 'redirect',
path: '/from/',
redirect: '/to/',
Redirect in Guard
Use when redirect logic is global and complex
import { provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { ROUTER_GUARD_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/module-router';
const provider = provide({
useValue: async ({ to }) => {
if (to && to.path === '/from/') {
return '/to/';
Redirect in Action
Use when redirect logic is complex and local for one or a few pages
For example, you make a important request in action, and if this request fails, application need to redirect to another page. If you want to prevent page component rendering and force redirect, you can throw RedirectFoundError
from @tinkoff/errors
import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';
import { RedirectFoundError } from '@tinkoff/errors';
import { RESPONSE_MANAGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';
const redirectAction = declareAction({
name: 'redirectAction',
async fn() {
throw new RedirectFoundError({ nextUrl: '/to/' });
const RedirectPage = () => <h1>Redirect Page</h1>;
RedirectPage.actions = [redirectAction];
export default RedirectPage;
Redirect in CommandLineRunner
Use when redirect logic is complex and common for all pages
For example, you want to check some cookie, and if this cookie does not exist, application need to redirect to another page. If you want to prevent page component rendering and force redirect, you can throw RedirectFoundError
from @tinkoff/errors
import { commandLineListTokens, provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { COOKIE_MANAGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';
import { RedirectFoundError } from '@tinkoff/errors';
providers: [
provide: commandLineListTokens.customerStart,
useFactory: ({ cookieManager }) => {
return function readCustomCookie() {
if (!cookieManager.get('someSessionCookie')) {
throw new RedirectFoundError({ nextUrl: '/login/' });
deps: {