Strong typing
has written on TypeScript, and we try to provide first-class developer experience with better typings and automatic type inference.
Nonetheless, perfect typings requires some specific utilities and recipes.
Dependency Injection
Complete information about tramvai
DI system you can find in Concepts section.
First place, when we need to have a good typings - is list of providers in tramvai
This possible when providers wrapped in the provide
import { provide, optional } from '@tramvai/core';
const BOOLEAN_TOKEN = createToken<boolean>('boolean');
const NUMBER_TOKEN = createToken<number>('number');
providers: [
provide: NUMBER_TOKEN,
// wrong value type, TS compilation error
useValue: '0',
useFactory: (deps) => {
// type is number, TS compilation error
return === '0';
deps: {
// example with optional dependency
useFactory: (deps) => {
// optional dependency will infer as `number | null`
return typeof === 'number' ? > 0 : false;
deps: {
int: optional(NUMBER_TOKEN),
export class SomeModule {}
Always create tokens with specific type:
const BOOLEAN_TOKEN = createToken<boolean>('boolean');
const API_SERVICE_TOKEN = createToken<ApiService>('boolean');
interface ApiService {
request<R>(): Promise<R>;
For multi
tokens, use the same type as you expect to provide in DI, not array of types:
// good
const LIST_TOKEN = createToken<string>({ name: 'list', multi: true });
// bad
const LIST_TOKEN = createToken<string[]>({ name: 'list', multi: true });
When you need infer a token type to implement this interface, use ExtractTokenType
import type { ExtractTokenType } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
const BOOLEAN_TOKEN = createToken<boolean>('boolean');
const LIST_TOKEN = createToken<string>({ name: 'list', multi: true });
// boolean
type SomeBoolInterface = ExtractTokenType<typeof BOOLEAN_TOKEN>;
// string
type SomeListInterface = ExtractTokenType<typeof LIST_TOKEN>;
When you need infer a token type as dependency, e.g. in arguments, use ExtractDependencyType
utility, this helper return array of types for multi
tokens, because array of values will return from DI:
import type { ExtractDependencyType } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
function someFn(deps: {
bool: ExtractDependencyType<typeof BOOLEAN_TOKEN>,
list: ExtractDependencyType<typeof LIST_TOKEN>
}) {
deps.bool; // boolean
deps.list; // string[]
Sometimes you need to write providers class or factories outside modules - for code maintainability and testing purposes.
For these cases, you will need to manually type values and deps with ExtractTokenType
and ExtractDependencyType
Factory example with multi
import type { ExtractTokenType, ExtractDependencyType } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
// import this tokens from some other packages
const FOO_TOKEN = createToken<number>({ name: 'foo', multi: true });
const BAR_TOKEN = createToken<number>({ name: 'bar', multi: true });
// factory deps
type Deps = {
bar: ExtractDependencyType<typeof BAR_TOKEN>;
// factory return type
type Result = ExtractTokenType<typeof FOO_TOKEN>;
export function fooFactory(deps: Deps): Result {
return [];
Class example:
import type { ExtractTokenType, ExtractDependencyType } from '@tinkoff/dippy';
// import this tokens from some other packages
const API_SERVICE_TOKEN = createToken<AbstractApiService>('boolean');
const LIST_TOKEN = createToken<string>({ name: 'list', multi: true });
// class constructor deps
type Deps = {
list: ExtractDependencyType<typeof LIST_TOKEN>;
// class interface
type IApiService = ExtractTokenType<typeof API_SERVICE_TOKEN>;
export class ApiService implements IApiService {
// reuse Deps interface for simplicity
private list: Deps['list'];
constructor(deps: Deps) {
this.list = deps.list;
React components
For React components, you can use hook useDi. With this hook, all types will be inferred automatically:
import { optional } from '@tramvai/core';
import { useDi } from '@tramvai/react';
const LIST_TOKEN = createToken<string>({ name: 'list', multi: true });
const Component = () => {
// string[]
const a = useDi(LIST_TOKEN);
// string[] | null
const b = useDi(optional(LIST_TOKEN));
// string[]
const { list: c } = useDi({ list: LIST_TOKEN });
// string[] | null
const { list: d } = useDi({ list: optional(LIST_TOKEN) });
return null;
For declaring action use helper function declareAction
. It will infer deps types and function parameters automatically.
import { declareAction } from '@tramvai/core';
import { LOGGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-common';
const innerAction = declareAction({
name: 'inner-action',
fn(a: number, b = 5) {
// typeof LOGGER_TOKEN`got a=${a}`);
return a + b;
deps: {
const action = declareAction({
name: 'action',
async fn() {
// number
const number1 = await this.executeAction(10);
// number
const number2 = await this.executeAction(5, 3);
Page and Layout components
PageComponent and LayoutComponent comparing to ordinary React components may specify additional options and should accept limited set of props.
To provide better typings when defining these components use correspond types from @tramvai/react
import { PageComponent, LayoutComponent } from '@tramvai/react';
const Page: PageComponent = () => <h1>Page</h1>;
// props now typed
const Layout: LayoutComponent = ({ Header, Footer, children }) => <div>{children}</div>;
// these properties are now typed
Page.actions = [];
Page.reducers = [];
Page.components = {};
Layout.childApps = [];