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Library build

Command tramvai build can build libraries to separate bundles for various environments:

  • CommonJS modules + ES2020 code (for nodejs without ESM support) - it uses field main in package.json
  • ES modules + ES2020 code (for nodejs with ESM support) - it uses filed module in package.json
  • ES modules + ES2020 code (for browsers) - it uses field browser in package.json

@tramvai/cli use @tramvai/build package under the hood for bundling packages.

To specify new library in tramvai.json add new project with the type package:

"projects": {
"{{packageName}}": {
"name": "{{packageName}}",
"type": "package",
"root": "libs/{{packageName}}"

Library settings should be specified in the package.json of the library itself:

"name": "{{packageName}}",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "dist/index.js", // main library entry point
"browser": "dist/browser.js", // optional field, library entry point for browsers bundle
"typings": "src/index.ts", //
"sideEffects": false,
"scripts": {
"start": "tramvai build {{packageName}} --watchMode", // watch mode to develop package
"build": "tramvai build {{packageName}} --forPublish --preserveModules" // single time build for the production

See the complete documentation about output targets, configuration and many reciepes in @tramvai/build documentation.

Enable sourcemaps in production mode

In tramvai.json

"sourceMap": {
"production": true

It is equivalent to devtool: 'hidden-source-map' in webpack config.