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Command to start development build in watch mode


-p, --port

Allows to specify port on which app server will listen requests

tramvai start -p 8080 <app>

React hot refresh


The feature is enabled by default

It is possible to refresh react components without page similar to the way in works in React Native.

Besides fash page refreshes (hot-reload) in that mode state is preserved for hooks useState and useRef.

You can force resetting state by adding comment // @refresh reset to the file. It will reset state for the whole file.

When encounter syntax and runtime errors, fast-refresh plugin will await for the error resolving and after fix will continue to work as usual.


  1. state for class components doesn't preserve
  2. useEffect, useMemo, useCallback refresh on every code change despite their dependency list, it includes empty dependency list as well, e.g. useEffect(() => {}, []) will be executed on every refresh - this is undesirable behaviour but it teaches to write stable code which is resistant for the redundant renders

To enable this mode, add to tramvai.json:

"hotRefresh": {
"enabled": true

You can configure settings with hotRefreshOptions option, see details in the docs of react-refresh:

"hotRefresh": {
"enabled": true,
"options": {
"overlay": false // disable error overlay

Enable sourcemaps in dev mode

In tramvai.json

"sourceMap": {
"development": true

It is equivalent to devtool: 'source-map' in webpack config with source-map-loader.

In addition, it is possible to set one of the following values for the devtool option in webpack config: eval-cheap-module-source-map, eval-cheap-source-map, eval-source-map. For example, to set the option value to eval-cheap-module-source-map, add next lines to the tramvai.json:

"webpack": {
"devtool": "eval-cheap-module-source-map"

Modern build and dev-mode

In dev-mode may work only single build mode: either modern or legacy. By default modern is used. If you want to use legacy build in dev mode, add next lines to the tramvai.json:

"modern": false

How to

Speed up development build

Build only specific bundles

App may contain of many bundles and the more there bundle, the more code get bundled to the app, the more long in building and rebuilding the app during development.

In order to speed up that process when running @tramvai/cli it is possible to specify bundles required for the development and cli will build only that bundles.

Bundles should be placed in directory bundles and should be imported from the index app file.

When trying to request bundle that was disabled, server will fail with status 500, as it is unexpected condition for the server that bundle is missing

tramvai start myapp --onlyBundles=account
# if you need several bundles
tramvai start myapp --onlyBundle=account,trading

Starting the development server with the HTTPS protocol

In certain situations, you may want to run your application in a secure https environment. This can help address various issues, such as:


Before executing the tramvai start myapp --https command, please ensure that you have installed the mkcert utility package. mkcert is a simple tool used for generating development certificates that are trusted locally. It requires no configuration. Refer to the installation section for detailed instructions.

To start the Tramvai application in an https environment, you can utilize the --https flag. For the first time, when running this command, it may prompt for your computer password in order to generate the certificates correctly.

tramvai start myapp --https

mkcert will generate three files - rootCA.pem, [key].pem, [cert].pem:

  • [cert].pem - is your server's public certificate that will be shared with the client during the SSL handshake.
  • [key].pem - is your server's private key, used to establish a secure connection with the client through encryption and should be kept secure and private.
  • rootCA.pem - is used to install a local CA on your system and trust certificates signed by it.

The first two files will be located in the /certificates folder within your root project directory, and if you have a .gitignore file, this folder will automatically be added to it. rootCA.pem certificate can be located in different places depending on your OS. To know exactly where is it located, you can run mkcert -CAROOT command.

To start the Tramvai application in an https environment and serve it on a custom local domain, you can use the --host flag. Before running the command below, make sure you have updated your system /etc/hosts file with the necessary changes. For example, if you want your application to be accessible from the domain, add the following line to your /etc/hosts file: Once you have made the appropriate changes, execute the command below to start the application:

tramvai start myapp --https --host
Known issue:

NodeJS does not use rootCA ceriticate by default. That is why NodeJS will not trust your [cert].pem and [key].pem. To avoid problems with that use NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable - NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem" tramvai start myapp --https


If you are using the https environment to debug your PWA application on an iOS simulator or iPhone, it is important to manually install the rootCA.pem file. To locate this file, use the mkcert -CAROOT command in your terminal. Generated certificates inside your project directory will not have any effect on the iOS simulator or iPhone if you attempt to install them directly. For more detailed information, please check the official mkcert documentation - mobile devices

To start the Tramvai application in an https environment and use your own custom certificate, you can use the --httpsKey and --httpsCert flags. In this case, the application will not generate any certificates and will use the files you provide. It can be useful in case if you already have generated certificates trusted by your machine, for example certificates that were generated using openssl tool. Example:

tramvai start myapp --https --host --httpsKey ./path-to-certificates-folder/localhost-key.pem --httpsCert ./path-to-certificates-folder/localhost.pem
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