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New Child App

@tramvai/cli can generate new Child App template from scratch.

⌛ Run in your shell:

npm init @tramvai@latest fancy-child

⌛ Choose Microfrontend implemented by tramvai child-app

⌛ Follow next steps of setup based on your needs

After that in directory fancy-child will be generated new Child App from template with all necessary setup and installed dependencies.


Child App development process is connected with Root App development - you need to use Root App for micro frontend preview, because Root App is responsible for loading Child App and provide it with all necessary dependencies.

⌛ Run Child App in watch mode:

cd fancy-child && npm start

Connect Child App in Root Application

⌛ Run Root App in development mode and link it with our running Child App:

CHILD_APP_DEBUG=fancy-child npx tramvai start root-app

⌛ Open Root App page with connected Child App, e.g. http://localhost:3000/fancy-child/

More detailed examples you can find in Connect Child App page.



You may use helper library @tramvai/test-child-app that creates mock application in order to test child-app behaviour in the app.

Integration Tests

Full testing requires to run standalone app that will reuse your app.

  1. Create test app in your repository. Also you may use @tramvai/test-trandapp for generating simple app without hassle (not yet available in open-source).
  2. Using @tramvai/test-integration and @tramvai/test-pw you may perform any kind of tests including testing in browser.



Child-app is built ignoring modern option in tramvai config. This is because we don't know the actual environment that will load the child-app and this environment may require legacy support

  1. Build your child-app with command tramvai build [name]
  2. Copy generated files from ./dist/child-app (by default) to the external cdn
  3. Provide link to the cdn itself through token CHILD_APP_RESOLVE_BASE_URL_TOKEN or env CHILD_APP_EXTERNAL_URL


If your are facing any problems while developing or using Child App use next instructions first.

  1. Check the logs with key child-app that may lead to source of problems
  2. If there is not enough logs enable all child-app logs - how to display logs