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Managing State


All @tramvai/state features are available in Child App with connected CommonChildAppModule module.

State Management is almost completely isolated from Root App and other of Child Apps. Every microfrontend can register its own stores and actions.

In general, State Management usage is completely the same as in usual tramvai applications.



First, you need to install @tramvai/module-common module and @tramvai/state library in your Child App:

npx tramvai add @tramvai/module-common
npx tramvai add @tramvai/state

Then, connect CommonChildAppModule from this module in your createChildApp function:

import { createChildApp } from '@tramvai/child-app-core';
import { CommonChildAppModule } from '@tramvai/module-common';
import { RootCmp } from './components/root';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default createChildApp({
name: 'fancy-child',
render: RootCmp,
modules: [CommonChildAppModule],
providers: [],

Create store

For example, let's create a simple counter store:

import { createReducer, createEvent } from '@tramvai/state';

export const increment = createEvent('increment');

export const CounterStore = createReducer('counter', 0)
.on(increment, (state, payload) => state + 1);

Connect store

Now, let's connect this store to our Child App through COMBINE_REDUCERS token:

import { provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { createChildApp } from '@tramvai/child-app-core';
import { CommonChildAppModule, COMBINE_REDUCERS } from '@tramvai/module-common';
import { RootCmp } from './components/root';
import { CounterStore } from './stores/counter';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default createChildApp({
name: 'fancy-child',
render: RootCmp,
modules: [CommonChildAppModule],
providers: [
multi: true,
useValue: [testStore],

Read and update store

Simplest way to read data from store is to use useStore hook. For event dispatching, you need to get Store instance from DI with useDi hook and STORE_TOKEN:

import { useDi } from '@tramvai/react';
import { useStore } from '@tramvai/state';
import { STORE_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/module-common';
import { CounterStore, increment, decrement } from '../stores/counter';

export const RootCmp = () => {
// get Store instance from DI
const store = useDi(STORE_TOKEN);
// subscribe to counter reducer state
const counter = useStore(CounterStore);

// bind events to dispatch
const handleIncrement = () => store.dispatch(increment());

return (
<h1>Count is: {counter}</h1>
<button onClick={handleIncrement}>increment</button>

How to

How to subscribe to Root App store?

By default, Child App cannot read data from Root App stores, but the you can specify the set of Root App stores that might be used inside Child App.

It may be done using CHILD_APP_INTERNAL_ROOT_STATE_ALLOWED_STORE_TOKEN token. This token defines the list of allowed Root App store names that might be used inside Child App.


This token is considered undesirable to use as it leads to high coupling with stores from Root App and this way stores in Root App might not change their public interface. But, in most cases, changes in stores ignore breaking change tracking and may breaks backward-compatibility. So do not use this token if you can, and if you should - use as little as possible from Root App and provide some fallback in case of wrong data.

For example, let's subscribe to MediaStore from @tramvai/module-client-hints:

  1. Specify stores that might be used inside Child App

    import { createChildApp, CHILD_APP_INTERNAL_ROOT_STATE_ALLOWED_STORE_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/child-app-core';
    import { CommonChildAppModule } from '@tramvai/module-common';
    import { MediaStore } from '@tramvai/module-client-hints';
    import { RootCmp } from './components/root';

    // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
    export default createChildApp({
    name: 'fancy-child',
    render: RootCmp,
    modules: [CommonChildAppModule],
    providers: [
    multi: true,
    // also you can use store string key, "media" for MediaStore
    useValue: [MediaStore],
  2. Use the specified Root App stores the same way as usual stores

    import React from 'react';
    import { useStore } from '@tramvai/state';
    import { MediaStore } from '@tramvai/module-client-hints';

    export const StateCmp = () => {
    const media = useStore(MediaStore);

    return <div>Supposed screen size: {media.width}x{media.height}</div>;