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Known Issues

This Suspense boundary received an update before it finished hydrating

When React >= 18 version is used, child-app will be wrapped in Suspense boundary for Selective Hydration. This optimization can significantly decrease Total Blocking Time metric of the page.

There is one drawback of this optimization - if you will try rerender child-app during selective hydration, React will switch to deopt mode and made full client-rendering of the child-app component. Potential ways to fix this problem described here. ChildApp component already wrapped in React.memo.

Few advices to avoid this problem:

  • Memoize object, passed to child-app props property
  • Prevent pass to child-app properties, which can be changed during hydration, for example at client-side in page actions

Shared dependency are still loaded although the root-app shares it

Refer to the FAQ about the details. In summary:

  • it is more reliable to provide shared dependency from the root-app than relying on sharing between several child-apps
  • make sure all versions of the shared dependencies are semver compatible

Possible problems with shared dependency

react-query: No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one

The issue may happen if there are different instances of @tramvai/module-react-query and @tramvai/react-query and therefore internal code inside @tramvai/react-query resolves React Context that differs from the QueryClient Provided inside @tramvai/module-react-query

To resolve the issue:

  • when defining shared dependencies add both @tramvai/module-react-query and @tramvai/module-react-query
  • make sure that both packages are used in the root-app (or none) as both instances should resolve to one place and if it isn't apply then for example @tramvai/react-query might instantiate with different React Context
  • another option would be to add underlying library @tanstack/react-query to both child-app and root-app shared dependencies to make sure that required React Context is created only in single instance

Shared module is not available for eager consumption

Uncaught Error: Shared module is not available for eager consumption - this error can occure when:

  • Dependency is shared between Child App and Root App
  • Dependency is eager in Root App configuration (e.g. @tramvai/core, @tramvai/react and @tinkoff/dippy)
  • Dependency in Child App has higher version than same dependency in Root App
  • Application running in production mode (after deployment or tramvai start-prod command, unfortunately you can't catch this issue when use tramvai start)
  • You have a component loaded by dynamic import (e.g. with lazy from @tramvai/react) and this component uses some of this shared deps underhood


More information why this problem exists you can find in Module Federation documentation


Simple and fast solution - is to always update Root Application before Child Apps. If it is not possible, you need to create "async boundary" for application dependencies at the higher level - entry point is good enough for it.

  1. At first, create bootstrap.ts file near index.ts, and copy there all index.ts content
  2. Then change index.ts content to dynamic import of bootstrap.ts with webpackChunkName magic comment specified
  3. At least, add bootstrap (use here webpackChunkName value) chunk for critical chunks list - shared.criticalChunks: ['bootstrap'] option in `tramvai.json (it is important to load all main application assets in parallel)

Full example (with simplified content):

import(/* webpackChunkName: "bootstrap" */ './bootstrap');

No required version specified and unable to automatically determine one

No required version specified and unable to automatically determine one. Unable to find required version for "@tinkoff/dippy" in description file (/root/app/nested/package/package.json). It need to be in dependencies, devDependencies or peerDependencies.


Module Federation always resolve shared dependency version relative to the closest package.json for current module.

This error can be caused if:

  • one of shared dependencies, e.g. @tramvai/core, imported in application module, e.g. src/features/package/index.ts
  • this module has own package.json - src/features/package/package.json for code separation between browser and server
  • package.json does not contain this dependency

This is a valid warning and potentially can lead to unexpected behavior in runtime while dependency resolving.


One way to fix this issue is to specify required version in package.json dependencies. It is recommended for separated npm packages.

But for other cases, it can be hard to manually support valid shared dependencies versions in all package.json files.

Tramvai can resolve dependency version automatically with experimental parameter experiments.autoResolveSharedRequiredVersions:

"experiments": {
"autoResolveSharedRequiredVersions": true