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Connect Child App and Root App

For now, we have a new shiny Child App, with perfect UI and all possible features like Actions, modules and providers, stores, commands, etc. Next, we need to connect it with Root App.


First, you need to install @tramvai/module-child-app module in your Root App:

npx tramvai add @tramvai/module-child-app

Then, connect RouterChildAppModule from this module in your createApp function:

import { createApp } from '@tramvai/core';
import { ChildAppModule } from '@tramvai/module-child-app';

name: 'tincoin',
modules: [ChildAppModule],


At first, we need to provide a complete map of Child Apps and their versions, which will be used in our Root App. This can be done with CHILD_APP_RESOLUTION_CONFIGS_TOKEN token.

Also, we need to provide a base url for Child Apps assets, which will be used in our Root App. This can be done with CHILD_APP_RESOLVE_BASE_URL_TOKEN token or few other methods.

For example, our Root App has one Child App - fancy-child, resolution config will look like this:

import { createApp, provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import {
} from '@tramvai/module-child-app';

name: 'tincoin',
modules: [ChildAppModule],
providers: [
useValue: '',
useValue: [
// name of the child-app
name: 'fancy-child',
byTag: {
latest: {
// current version for the child app for tag `latest`
version: '1.0.0',
// remove this property if you already add CSS for this Child App
withoutCss: true,

All benefits of microfrontends approach can be available if you will have remote configuration for Child Apps - because you will be able to release new Child Apps versions independend from Root App release cycle.

You can achieve this with async CHILD_APP_RESOLUTION_CONFIGS_TOKEN provider, where you can fetch configuration from remote API, s3 file storage, etc.

In this case, it is important to cache this requests for short time, because it will be executed on every page rendering.

Base URL

You can provide global base url for all Child Apps, and unique base url for any of Child Apps.

Global url can be provided with few methods:

  • CHILD_APP_RESOLVE_BASE_URL_TOKEN provider in Root App code
  • CHILD_APP_EXTERNAL_URL env variable, passed to Root App

Specific url can be provided in Child App configuration in baseUrl property:

const provider = provide({
useValue: [
name: 'fancy-child',
byTag: {
latest: {
version: '1.0.0',
withoutCss: true,
baseUrl: '',


We definitely want to render our Child App in one of Root App pages. For this, we need to use <ChildApp /> component:

import type { PageComponent } from '@tramvai/react';
import { ChildApp } from '@tramvai/module-child-app';

const MainPage: PageComponent = () => {
return (
<h1>Main Page</h1>
<ChildApp name="fancy-child" />

export default MainPage;


By default, this Child App will be rendered only client-side, because we don't know about this microfrontend before started rendering page component server-side. It is not optimal for SEO, UX and performance, so we need to provide list of Child Apps for preloading. This can be done automatically or manually. The same logic is applied for running spa line list while transitioning by spa navigation on client - spa line list will be executed only for Child Apps that were preloaded on the next page of navigation.


If you really need to render Child App client-side only, you can render <ChildApp /> only when some state was changed on component mount in useEffect hook

Preload automatically for page or layout

You can provide list of Child Apps for preloading in childApps property of page or layout component:

import type { PageComponent } from '@tramvai/react';
import { ChildApp } from '@tramvai/module-child-app';

const MainPage: PageComponent = () => {
return (
<h1>Main Page</h1>
<ChildApp name="fancy-child" />

MainPage.childApps = [{ name: 'fancy-child' }];

export default MainPage;

Preload manually

You can preload any child-app manually with the help of CHILD_APP_PRELOAD_MANAGER_TOKEN:

import { provide, commandLineListTokens } from '@tramvai/core';
import { CHILD_APP_PRELOAD_MANAGER_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/module-child-app';

const provider = provide({
provide: commandLineListTokens.resolvePageDeps,
useFactory: ({ preloadManager }) => {
return function preloadFancyChildApp() {
return preloadManager.preload({ name: 'fancy-child' });
deps: {


By default, Child App assets in development mode will be served on http://localhost:4040/. Root App will use the same url in development mode and when Child App is passed in CHILD_APP_DEBUG env variable.

  1. Run child-app using cli

    yarn tramvai start child-app
  2. Run Root App with CHILD_APP_DEBUG environment variable

    CHILD_APP_DEBUG=child-app npx tramvai start root-app

Multiple Child Apps

  1. Run somehow multiple Child Apps. They should be started on different ports.

  2. And either pass Base Url showed from tramvai CLI in terminal (after start command) as url to debug every Child App

    CHILD_APP_DEBUG=child-app1=baseUrl1;child-app2=baseUrl2 npx tramvai start root-app
  3. Or implement proxy on default http:://localhost:4040/ yourself which redirects to concrete server by url

    CHILD_APP_DEBUG=child-app1;child-app2 npx tramvai start root-app

Custom debug configuration

You may specify a full config to debug to a specific Child App:

  1. Provide token CHILD_APP_RESOLUTION_CONFIGS_TOKEN for needed Child Apps add special tag debug:

    const provider = provide({
    useValue: [
    name: 'fancy-child',
    byTag: {
    latest: {
    version: '1.0.0',
    withoutCss: true,
    debug: {
    baseUrl: '...url',
    version: '...version',
    client: {},
    server: {},
    css: {},
  2. Run Root App with CHILD_APP_DEBUG environment variable with value of Child App names needed to debug

How to

How to get current configuration for Child App

For example, you need to get Child App name and version. You can use token CHILD_APP_INTERNAL_CONFIG_TOKEN for it, e.g.:

import { provide } from '@tramvai/core';
import { createChildApp, commandLineListTokens } from '@tramvai/child-app-core';
import { CHILD_APP_INTERNAL_CONFIG_TOKEN } from '@tramvai/tokens-child-app';
import { CommonChildAppModule } from '@tramvai/module-common';
import { RootCmp } from './components/root';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default createChildApp({
name: 'fancy-child',
render: RootCmp,
modules: [CommonChildAppModule],
providers: [
provide: commandLineListTokens.customerStart,
useFactory: ({ analytics, config }) => {
return function sendRenderEvent() {
const { name, version } = config;

analytics.send({ event: 'child-app-render', name, version });
deps: {